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Always great giveaways at Peanut Butter and Whine 2016

Always great giveaways at Peanut Butter and Whine Holiday Contest and Sweeps  is proud to bring you the 4th Annual Holiday Giveaways t...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I need to get more Organized

One way is to get a good label maker, so I'm entering a couple of giveaways:

The DYMO LabelManager 260p

Back to School Organizing With Dymo’s Label Manager from Rockin Mamma ends 9/29

DYMO LabelManager 260p: Review and Giveaway from The Not So Blog ends 10/15

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Win $100 - Mom's Breakfast Club

Mom's Breakfast Club for 25 chances to win $100 every week

Shell in Your Pocket

Jenny on the Spot

A Familiar Path


The Frugal Girl

Cookin' Canuck

The Joyful Chaos

Stop, Drop and Blog

My Beautiful Day


The Burgh Baby

Mannland 5

Welcome to Quadville!

Cheaper than Therapy

Finding Bonngamom

C. Beth Blog

Secret Agent Josephine



Because I Said So

Everyday I Write the Book

Big Mama

Deb, Mom of 3 Girls

Suburban Turmoil

Busy Mom

Win $100 and a Juicy Juice gift package!

So what do the BlogHer Moms and their kids think? Check out these Juicy reviews of the Very Best Juice for the Very Best Kids and comment for a chance to win one of 10 JUICY JUICE prize packages and $100 Visa gift card.

“The kids liked the fizz and the flavor, and again, I was happy to think that I was giving them something a bit healthier than your average soft drink.” –Said Mary of Owlhaven.

“I'm still not anti-soda, and I let my kids have it if we go to a restaurant (and I drink it too). But the Juicy Juice carbonated juice seems like a really good idea as something THEY can start replacing THEIR soda with.” –Said Swistle.

"Hey Ma, Look! I can hold it without squeezing all of the juice out!" –Said the kids over at Steece’s Pieces.

“Juicy Juice Sparkling Apple Juice! I know they say this is for kids ages 6-11 but I think they should change that to kids ages 6-62. This stuff is yummy!” –Said Secret Agent Josephiene.

“They are actually the perfect size for my kids. I also prefer freezing them to double as an ice pack in their on-the-go lunches.” -Said Shannon of What's for Lunch at Our House.

“They are also REALLY GOOD frozen and eaten with a spoon. My kids went gaga over them!” –Said Gen of Quadville.

“We've always liked Juicy Juice in our house because it's 100% juice - no added sugar or high-fructose corn syrup - and now that the little guy is seven and has some definite food preferences” -Said Sophie of Boomama.

“There are some great choices that you can add to a lunch box that will make both you and your child happy. Juicy Juice Sparkling Juice is one such compromise.” -Said Mom to the Screaming Masses.

"i'm trying to be more balanced so my kids don't feel the need to gorge themselves on junk when they get the chance, but also to have balance so i do create somewhat healthy individuals.” -Said Vanessa of V and Co.

“They almost never get soda. Around here, it's almost always water. What do I do when they really want something sweet to drink? I give 'em Juicy Juice.” -Said Karly of Buns In My Oven.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Kindle for me!

I am an avid reader. I usually have 3 or 4 books going at any time.

So when I find a site giving away a Kindle I have to try to win it.

Simply Stacie

Ends 10/4

Saturday, September 4, 2010

ScoopFree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box

I have a great cat named Gigi. She is very smart and loving. She is very good at using her litter box.


I dislike having to clean her litter box.


I will be winning a ScoopFree Ultra Self-Cleaning Litter Box to save me some work.

Where is this, you ask? Two blogs have combined to offer this prize:

Spoil Your Family


Momma Makes Money

Sponsored by:

annettefunnyjello.com and Scoop Free

Ends 9/23/10