For the next 48 hours (until Friday evening) Crystal VanTassel's eBook, How to Meal Plan: A Step by Step Guide for Busy Moms, is on sale over on Amazon for $0.99. This is the eReader version. (Crystal VanTassel's eBook is exclusively available on Amazon at this time.)
After this sale is over it will go back to full price- you will not want to pass this offer by.
This eBook includes:
- how to meal plan in 5 easy steps
- a list of 20 sites to find recipes on
- how to create a grocery list (with 10 resources and tools)
- 12 ideas for displaying your menu
- pointers for implementing your plan
- tips to follow when road blocks arrive
- 5 free printable worksheets that have been custom-made for this eBook
- 14 easy recipes for two weeks of dinner ideas
- an awesome list of 10+ mommy resources for other potential problem areas in your life