COVERGIRL sent 23 bloggers the NEW COVERGIRL LashPerfection™ Mascara to see how they liked it. This incredible mascara was specially designed to lengthen and lift your lashes for a lightweight, voluminous look - the lash wrap brush perfectly wraps each lash with volume.
Read on to see how the bloggers liked their new mascara. Be sure to click on the links to read their reviews and enter on each blog for the chance to win a $50 gift card to! We've got 23 to giveaway! ends 11/04
Piece N Quilt recently had a really big moment in her life when fantastic makeup helped her look and feel her best -- presenting for the new Moda Bake Shop Book at spring Quilt Market!
Athena in the Middle says, "Two things that help me feel confident: A good hair day and mascara...I never ever leave home without mascara. If I had to choose one makeup product for the rest of my life, it would be mascara. And trust me when I say that I have tried them all.
Surrender Dorothy has been blessed with plenty of thick long lashes but they have blonde tips and disappear without a good mascara. How did she do with the Covergirl LashPerfection Mascara?
According to The Bobby Pin, "Makeup is a funny thing. I feel as though you should be confident enough to not use it, but then there’s a confidence factor that comes with wearing it. And that confidence? It is the prettiest factor a girl can rock."
Creating Motherhood writes, "On the morning of the program, I had my laptop bag packed, my notes outlined, I was prepped and ready to go. My mother looked up from playing with my son and said, “Honey. Aren’t you going to put on makeup?”
Notes from a Cottage Industry wanted to look her best hen she recently got an e-vite to attend her thirty-fifth high school reunion. Gulp.
"This year has been full of events that have required I shed my macaroni-and-cheese-stained mom gear, discard the fluffy hair scrunchy, slip into a pair of heels and take my face to the level of “Girl, You So Fine,” that only makeup can achieve." Read how Kirida felt about Covergirl LashPerfection Mascara.
Peanut Butter Runner says, "I have always loved playing with makeup. This started back in high school, but I will refrain from sharing those pictures with you. Let's just say that it's a good thing that white eyeliner and glitter powder are trends of the past."
After 10 years of workign form her home, Roots and Wings is now venturing out into the outside world and finding it exciting, intimidating, and overwhelming all at the same time.
Sunday Baker writes, "Confidence is a HUGE part of looking good! Sometimes the most plain looking person can come off as gorgeous if they have a confident attitude. When someone has that natural inner glow, suddenly we all want to get to know them better and be around them."
Between her dad’s wedding and gallivanting across the southwest with various long lost friends – Single Infertile Female had plenty of times over 10 days of travel where she wanted to look her best.
Rhoda from Southern Hospitality shares, "Makeup has been a huge part of my life since I was around 13 years old and began experimenting with those lip glosses and blushers from Woolworth's. Oh, how exciting it was to pick up those shiny containers of makeup and start using them on my youthful face."
Lovin' From the Oven writes, "Makeup, with the help of my sister, has the ability to transform me and give me the confidence that I need for that big day."
My Little Life puts it this way, "I step out of the car, smooth my pants, straighten my shirt, take a cursory swipe at my hair for any fly-aways and do one last check in the mirror... yup, makeup's perfect. This gives me the boost of confidence I need to walk into that building and nail the interview."
Ten June may be a DIYer, but she still has to dress professionally and head out into the world looking professional. She sues make-up to ensure that she is looking her best each day.
"As women, we all want to feel good about ourselves, but sometimes we are also our own worst critics. When I have a new outfit to wear, get my hair done, wear new makeup, or a pretty piece of jewelry, I automatically have this sense of “wow I think I look pretty darn good today!” I don’t know why these things make me feel better, but they do." The Branches...
The Daily Julie relies on her morning routine to keep her day on track."Take one piece out of that routine and I feel out of sorts all day long. And honestly, take the hair and makeup part out, and I'd rather stay home. Makeup makes me feel pretty."
Sharyl has been married a long time "and, even after 33 years, I still want to look my very best for him. I love to see his eyes light up when he looks at me… And honestly - I feel better about myself when I know I look my best." The Little Brown House...
Tiffany from The Pifer Family has never been big on caking on layers and layers of makeup. "However, I am defiantly one who wants to wear the basics before I step outside of the house and scare our neighbors with my zombie-ish looks!"
When Then Heather Said is in search of a little extra confidence, she turns to something "that DOES make me feel beautiful; something physical that I can add to my appearance when I think my beauty is hiding."
Wardrobe Oxygen writes, "For me, makeup choices are just as important as my shoe choices or what necklace I paired with an outfit -- makeup is the ultimate accessory. With makeup I feel more polished, I feel my look is complete."After the birth of her child, The Heir to Blair "realized quickly that the weight would take awhile to melt off. But I could brighten my face up in just a few minutes with my old, trusty friends, the blush stick & mascara wand."
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